Below are our pricing structures. Hourly Rates and Discount Memberships all expire within 3 months.
Errand Fee $15.00 for any errand taking 15 minutes or less, within the Downtown Minneapolis vicinity. We appreciate a 48 hour advance booking, appointments are subject to availability.
Hourly Rate – $40.00 per hour
Silver Membership – 5 hours of services, $180.00
(10% discount)
Gold Membership – 10 hours of services $340.00
(15% discount)
Platinum Membership – 15 hours of services $480.00
(20% discount)
Rates reflect charges for services rendered by Metro Concierge and do not include charges for outside vendor services or merchandise purchased to complete the service requested.
*** You are welcome to call our office at 612-799-7633 or email us with payment information if you prefer ***
Rate service payments are made in advance. We accept cash, MC, Visa, Amex, checks and money orders. Unless otherwise negotiated with Metro Concierge. There is a $40.00 fee on all returned checks. Metro Concierge has the right to deny any requests that are questionable or illegal. Services required outside of regular business hours are subject to additional fees. Any service scheduled with less than 24 hour notice may be billed with a convenience fee of up to $15.00. Cancellations for any services require a 24 hour notice. Failure to provide a 24 hour notice will incur the full price of service being charged and possible full fee of the vendor service request. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be assessed a $40.00 fee.
*Credit card fees may apply
We are respectful & protective of the privacy of our clients, always tending to client needs in a discreet and caring manner. Contact us today for rates and more services.